Add core data

core is the jsTree object contains basic data and configurations of the tree. This is an example of core object:

  data: [ // data can be an array or object.
    'Simple root node',
      text: 'Root node 2',
      state: {
        opened: true,
        selected: true
      children: [
          text: 'Child 1'
        'Child 2'

Node Format

As you know, a tree has one or many nodes, each node has one or many child nodes:

// Alternative format of the node (id & parent are required)
  id: 'string' // required
  parent: 'string' // required
  text: 'string' // node text
  icon: 'string' // string for custom
  state: {
    opened: boolean  // is the node open
    disabled: boolean  // is the node disabled
    selected: boolean  // is the node selected
  li_attr: { }  // attributes for the generated LI node
  a_attr: { }  // attributes for the generated A node

You can define a core object and use with core property:

const CORE = {
  data: [
    'Simple root node',
      text: 'Root node 2',
      state: {
        opened: true,
        selected: true
      children: [
          text: 'Child 1'
        'Child 2'

class ExampleApp extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (<ReactTree core={CORE} />);

To make sure you can find what you need, go to jsTree API for more details.

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